Advocacy Workshop
What is the Advocacy Program
What is the Advocacy Program
The CFRW Advocacy Office is the eyes and ears for our State Legislature. Through our full time office staff and volunteers, the Federation has a say in the direction taken by our elected representatives.
The ADVOCACY PROGRAM GOALS are to influence legislation and maintain a CFRW presence in state government in accordance with CFRW objectives.
CFRW Objectives:
Advocacy History
Following the suggestions of Ronald Reagan and Republican legislators that CFRW become a viable force in the legislative process,the Federation established an Advocacy Program in 1974, and a full time lobbyist was hired in 1975.
CFRW has evolved into a most effective voice for women involved in government. The program has enabled us to seat many women in political appointments, influence legislation and make our presence felt.
The CFRW Spring Board of Director's Meeting and Conference is followed by Advocacy Day at our State Capitol. Several hundred women from CFRW throughout the State of California converge on the state Capitol in Sacramento to lobby legislators (Republican and Democrat alike) to sponsor, support or defeat bills which are important to the issues they follow.
In the 1990's a new facet was added to Advocacy Day and we invited High School students to participate in legislative action and awareness in our State Capitol. This has become a traditional part of our event and an exciting opportunity for students to see and hear how our State government works.
We welcome your active participation in the most exciting, progressive and effective movement of any woman's political organization!